About Me

harsh_shah:~/Introduction$ I am an undergraduate in the fourth and final year of the Computer Science Bachelor's program at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB). My research interests primarily revolve around statistics and machine learning, with a particular focus on their intersection with robotics. Recently, I have been working on my Bachelors' Thesis on efficient range-search for large databses, with Prof. Ajit Rajwade in colaboration with Amazon. Parallelly, I have been working on analyzing physical reasoning of large language models, in colaboration with Mr. Vibhav Vineet (Microsoft Research). You can find some of my previous projects here.

harsh_shah:~/MyTeam$ I presently lead the Mars Rover Team at IITB, where more than 50 skilled undergraduates work collaboratively in various fields like mechanical, electrical, and software engineering to build an autonomous rover. Our mission is to tackle the intricate challenges of space exploration presented by international rover competitions such as the University Rover Challenge (URC), European Rover Challenge (ERC), and others. The most notable achievements made by the team under my leadership include Best Navigation Awards in European Rover Challenge(ERC) and International Rover Challenge(IRC). Beyond these competitions, our vision extends to developing fully autonomous rovers capable of efficiently navigating uncharted terrains and performing intricate tasks. I envision the team harnessing its expertise to explore applications in defense, hazardous environment exploration, the quest for signs of life, and various other related domains.

harsh_shah:~/Teaching$ I have had the privilege of contributing as a teaching assistant for two prominent courses, CS 104 - Software Systems Lab and CS 747 - Foundations of Learning Agents. As a TA, I engaged with over 150 students, and designed autograded assignments that extended the reach of educational materials to students beyond the immediate class batch. I also occasionally contribute technical content through blogs, some of which you can find over here...

My Team (Mars Rover Team)

To know more about MRT, visit our website...

Research Projects

  • Evicting Gating Networks from Mixture-Of-Experts for Domain Generalization

    Colaborated with Mr. Vibhav Vineet (Microsoft Research) and Prof. Yogesh Rawat (University of Central Florida)

  • Coherent Rendering for Mixed Reality

    Worked with Prof. Parag Chaudhuri on a research project at IITB

  • NL2SQL

    Worked with NLP team of Dr. Jian SU, as a research intern at A*STAR


    Worked with Dr. Micol Spitale, as a research intern at AFAR labs, University of Cambridge

Other Projects

Other Stuff